A security guards’ sleuthing leads to kinky action with a hot and willing teen
ncandescent blonde beauty Aria Banks stars in the latest BG release from DickDrainers.com in which a security guard serves up a special brand of punishment to a reckless teen driver.
Branden is working his building security job, and there’s always some crazy stuff going on in that spot. Today, a dude came up in the office mad AF cuz somebody hit his Mercedes . . . and he definitely wanted to fuck up whoever did this!
After Branden calms this guy down and sends him on his way, he starts up a little investigation. The security cameras reveal that the muthafucka who hit dude’s car was a young pretty blonde in a pink BMW. She backed into his car, saw that her car was ok, and just drove off! Who does that?
It’s not hard to track down a bright pink BMW — especially when it’s literally the only one registered in the whole building. As for the teenager who was driving it, she probably got her license last week. Well, her folks are about to revoke it real quick, because Branden’s about to pay her a visit. After that, she may not be able to drive for a long time!
Banks’ co-star, DD producer Branden Richards, remarked, “Aria Banks is absolutely exceptional. For starters, she’s drop dead gorgeous — one of the most beautiful girls in the industry with a smile that lights up a room and a perfect bubble butt. The camera is also in love with her and she’s a natural model in front of it, whether it be for pictures or videos. Camera awareness is an underrated skill and Arias got it down to a science! She’s also a helluva performer, skilled far beyond her years. This scene has so many epic moments I lost count!”
Banks commented: “I knew working with Branden would push my limits in a good way and I was exited to see how far I could go. I’m super proud of our scene together and think it’s my best so far!! Such an adrenaline rush.”
Richards also revealed that, “After she shot her 1st scene with us, we knew we needed more, so we signed her to a three-scene guarantee. But you will definitely see us together more than three times!”
“Security Guard Solves The Crime & Punishes Aria’s Tight Teenage Pussy!“ has a runtime of over one hour, and is now available for streaming and download. Check out the scene’s trailer here ( http://dickdrainers.com/tour/trailers/Security-Aint-Guardin-Her.html ).
Fans are invited to learn more about Aria Banks via Twitter: @AriaBanksxxx.
Follow Branden Richards on Twitter: @BRichXXX.
For the latest news from DickDrainers, keep up with them via Twitter: @DickDrainersXXX

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