Men’s success coaches Brian Begin and Dave Stultz are set to host the ‘Virtual Fearless Man Live’ weekend event June 20-21 from their company headquarters in Los Angeles.

The powerful introductory course, where men gather to learn the FEARLESS principles of confidence, masculinity and creating strong connections with women, has limited virtual ‘seating’ currently available on the Zoom platform in order to most effectively accommodate its students.
“I love this event because we can pack in a ton of value at a low cost, making it accessible to anyone who’s at all serious about their development as a man,” said Begin. “Helping men is one of my life’s callings, and the same is true for all our coaches.
“These two days really let us dive into masculinity, building genuine confidence and naturally attracting beautiful women into your life, as well as applying many of those same things to your career, financial freedom and the rest of your life.”
FEARLESS’ first-ever virtual seminar, ‘Revealing Process Masterclass’ – focused on emotional intelligence, awareness and healing – broke attendance records in May with more than 100 attendees. Begin and Stultz will be taking more events online, including the FEARLESS Man Live July 11-12.
“We’ve obviously had to adjust how we run events and coach men during the pandemic, but our virtual events – from months of free public webinars to special events for our alumni, to the Masterclass last month, have been great successes and the guys have eaten it up,” added Stultz.
“It’s allowed us to reach a lot more people and break through client’s barriers around travel, timing, and cost. So we’re excited to now put on our core seminar in a virtual format so guys can learn this stuff without even having to leave their rooms.”
FEARLESS is world-renowned for assisting men in learning what makes them attractive, appealing and successful in their everyday lives by stepping into masculinity, changing their relationship with fear, stress, and tension, making deeper emotional connections, expressing sexual intent, and developing confidence that doesn’t rely on a job, looks or money.
To find out more about the ‘Virtual Fearless Man Live’ event (General Admission ticket $399; VIP Admission ticket $894) and list of upcoming seminars, go to, and visit to learn more about becoming FEARLESS with Brian Begin and Dave Stultz.
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