June’s Team Skeet All-Star Accolade Goes to Kenna James

A Schoolgirl Fantasy Comes to Fruition in an Exclusive Members Only Scene



Team Skeet, the popular and award winning adult network, has chosen Kenna James to be the Team Skeet All-Star for June. The prestigious honor is designated to an adult performer whose popularity and talent is undeniable. Kenna’s exclusive Team Skeet scene, self-filmed during Covid-19 #StayHome orders, is an erotic schoolgirl fantasy for subscribers only. The scene is available today on the dedicated Team Skeet All-Star page.


Media interested in reviewing the site or interviewing Kenna James may contact Team@TeamSkeet.com.


In the fantasy scene titled Schoolgirl, Kenna plays the titular character. The audience is placed in the POV of her classmate, who ends up breaking through her shy exterior to reveal a seductive and intensely sexual experience. Team Skeet subscribers can watch the scene at the Team Skeet All-Star page, here.


“What Kenna James brings to every scene is undeniable. She is everything an All-Star should be, with her petite physique and visceral performances,” said scene Producer Anthony Bennett. “Our subscribers are going to clamor for more after they see how hot this scene is. The tradition of a monthly Team Skeet All-Star continues to bring out the best of the best.”


Memberships, which include access to the entire Team Skeet Network, are available at TeamSkeet.com.

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