, the popular adult film series produced by FJ Productions, has reached a significant milestone with the release of its 50th scene featuring adult performer Violet Monroe. “In celebration of our 50th scene, we’ve decided to venture outside of the executive assistant interviews and explore other job interviews,” said XXX Job Interviews owner, Scott Johnson. “Violet would be the first… officially signed with Ikigai Marketing this week, naming Kristel Penn as its official publicist. “Kristel brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with expertise in expanding our exposure and increasing our client base,” said XXX Job Interviews owner, Scott Johnson. “There are two factors that are important to me when working with companies,” added Penn. “They need to be…
Industry veteran Violet Monroe is slated as a panelist for “Sexually Fluid: Meeting Consumer Demand for Genre-Defying Content” as part of the XBIZ Show. “As someone who has been in the adult industry for over 11 years now, I’ve built a lot of my career on creating content that doesn’t necessarily align with my own identity,” says Monroe. “Porn… For the better part of a decade this amazing starlet has dazzled the crowds of adult with performances that are beyond fantasy, over the top, wild as can be and everything in between. Violet is a performer who actually went to school for the arts and it shows in everything she does. Actor, performer, speaker, entertainer, there are so…