Dave Stultz and Brian Begin, personal development coaches and founders of men’s success site thefearlessman.com, announce the return of ‘The Fearless Man Live’ weekend workshop November 11-12, 2017 in Los Angeles, California.
The popular two-day event is the last Live symposium of 2017. “I love this event because we can pack in a ton of value at a low cost that makes it accessible to anyone who’s at all serious about their development as a man,” said Begin. “Helping men is one of my life’s callings, and these two days really let us dive into masculinity, building genuine confidence, and naturally attracting beautiful women into your life.”
Attendees will learn what makes them attractive to women: how to step into masculinity and alter a relationship with fear and tension, make deeper emotional connections, approach and start conversations with women, express sexual intent and have confidence that doesn’t rely on job, looks or money.
“This is such a powerful event because a lot of men these days don’t grow up with strong, healthy masculine role-models,” said Stultz. “The Fearless Man Live gets guys together with other guys for all important male-bonding and education in masculinity from an authentic place. A place of authentic confidence – not fake macho bravado.”
Stultz and Begin launched TheFearlessMan.com in 2013 as an educational tool to strengthen men’s personal power within themselves using video feedback, deep connection work, presence and body consciousness building, core belief, thought, philosophy restructuring and real-world exercises to build confidence in students that builds long-term successful behavior.
To purchase tickets for The Fearless Man Live, go to www.thefearlessman.com/the-fearlessman-live-la . For more information, visit www.thefearlessman.com.
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