Popular New York City podcast, The SDR Show, hosted by comedian Big Jay Oakerson and radio personality and GaS Digital Network owner Ralph Sutton, which has featured some of the hottest porn stars in the world and some of the craziest, sexiest, silliest hijinx ever to hit the broadcast world, is celebrating five years of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll at The Bowery Electric on Wednesday, May 8 with a wild and fun, live remote and stage show, featuring a rousing game of The Wheel of Fortune with Consequences. Doors open at 8pm and the show begins at 9pm.
“Hard to believe five years have gone by. I’d like to think we have changed for the better, but as any true SDR addict will tell you… we’ve only gotten worse! Come celebrate five years of decadence and debauchery at The Bowery Electric, as The SDR Show celebrates our five-year anniversary,” says Ralph Sutton. “We are broadcasting live! We will have celebrity guests, tons of giveaways and we will play Wheel of Fortune with Consequences for cash and prizes with our fans, and more than anything we hope to have a night that you’ll be talking about for the next 5 years!”
There is no cover charge for this event, and there will be a cash bar with drink specials.
The Bowery Electric is located at 327 Bowery, New York, NY 10003 and you may call direct at (212) 228-0228.
You may follow The Bowery Electric on their website https://www.theboweryelectric.
This week’s The SDR Show features the legendary, superstar entrepreneur Mark Cuban who under the loose hangout atmosphere utters, “Fuck Richard Branson” and you may listen to the episode here www.TheSDRShow.com/Cuban
To see bonus footage, join www.GaSDigitalNetwork.com now using code SDR and get a 14-day-free trial and 15% off.
Fans may tune in live to The SDR Show every Wednesday night at 9pm EST/6pm PST can be heard for free (audio only) live onwww.thesdrshow.com/live , and the replay comes out on Sunday mornings on ITunes, Google Play, Spotify and IHeartRadio.
The SDR Show may be followed on www.gasdigitalnetwork.com and www.thesdrshow.com , on Twitter athttps://twitter.com/TheSDRShow and www.twitter.com/gasdigital on Instagram at www.Instagram.com/thesdrshow andwww.Instagram.com/gasdigital and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/TheSDRShow and www.Facebook.com/gasdigital .
You may follow Ralph Sutton on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/iamralphsutton , on Instagram at www.Instagram.com/
You may follow Big Jay Oakerson on Twitter at https://twitter.com/
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