Sheri’s Ranch Sees Boom in Brothel Business as Clients Return for a Personal Touch

Sheri’s Ranch, a favored Las Vegas-area full-service sex resort catering to men, women and couples looking for safe erotic exploration and personal sexual discovery, is back and better than ever, thanks to clients demand for in-person entertainment over online alternatives.

Dena, madam for the legal brothel in Pahrump, explains, “During the COVID-19 pandemic closures, we were of course deeply concerned about the negative impact of online providers such as OnlyFans on our business, as customers can access similar services online without having to pay for them, and providers could work from home.

“Virtual client relations was, without a doubt, a lifeline for many during the pandemic, but there’s simply no substitute for an in-person connection. We’re seeing a real shift back towards more personal interactions, as people recognize the value of being physically present with one another. We are thrilled our clients are embracing the joy of gathering together again, as we continue to offer a safe and welcoming environment for everyone who walks through our doors.”

Reservations are limited, so contact to book a visit. Complimentary round-trip transportation is available from Las Vegas and the hotel is open for erotic explorers looking to take advantage of a unique luxury resort experience in the Nevada desert.

Follow Sheri’s Ranch on Twitter @SherisBrothel!
Sheri’s Ranch is the premier legal brothel and adult vacation resort in the Las Vegas area. The Ranch, purchased by former Chicago homicide detective Chuck Lee in 2001 and remodeled into a fantasyland of suites, bungalows, and specialty rooms, offers unique erotic adventures such as the Girlfriend Experience, Nuru Massage, and personalized private sex tapes. Lee has taken great care in maintaining a resort playground with the clients’ safety and privacy in mind. For more information visit




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